Special Promotion for 2024/2025 intake
1) UOL Principles of Accounting (POA) tuition at $100 per hour (normal $140)
2) UOL Management Accounting (MA) tuition at $120 per hour (normal $160)
3) UOL Financial Reporting (FR) tuition at $120 per hour (normal $160)
4) O & N Level 1-to-1 POA tuition at $540 per month (normal $600). Online tuition ($440)
5) O & N Level POA Group tuition at $240 per month (normal $360)
6) POLY Accounting tuition at $100 per hour (normal $140)
7) A Level POA 1-to-1 tuition at $100 per hour (normal $140)
8) POLY Accounting Group tuition at $320 per month (normal $400)
Special promotion for UOL only apply from Sep to Nov.
*Blue CHAS card holder entitled to 50% discount off normal rate